Katja Hansen-Livsey Trust

Celebrating Katja's Life in Many Ways

Birdy’s Bike Ride

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SUNDAY 15th JUNE 2014

Katja’s many friends, her brothers, sister and mother Hilary are holding a fundraising event called Birdy’s Bike Ride.
Katja 2


This will be a 20-mile cycle ride starting at Gresham’s prep school in Holt, travelling through Hindringham and finishing at Reepham College, which incorporates all the important places in Katja’s life in Norfolk.

Katja Hansen, also known as Katja Livsey, had just been accepted into the University of Liverpool School of Medicine when she was killed in a road accident on 16 November. She was 19 and has left an enormous empty space in the heart of everyone who knew her.

Some of the money that is hoped to be raised will go to Liverpool to set up an award for Katja, who was known as “Birdy”, and also to create a bird sculpture in the Liverpool Medical School’s admissions building.

Money raised will also go to Reepham College, where an award and possible bursary is to be established next year in her memory.

Katja was an outstanding student who worked hard to achieve her dream of studying medicine; she also received a Norfolk Scholar award.

The riders will meet at 10 am on 15 June at Gresham’s, and there will be various stages along the route for refreshment and joining in for those who don’t want to complete the whole circuit.

The last stage/refreshment table will be at the duck pond in Wood Dalling, and there will also be a join-up point at Briston. (The route map will be published in the June edition of Reepham Life.)

The day will end with a party at 6 pm at Angelica in Market Place, Reepham – all welcome!

A T-shirt has been designed for riders and supporters, and a gift aid account is in the process of being set up.

For sponsorship/donations, please contact Hilary Livsey on 01603 879555 or email hilary.clark@hotmail.co.uk for more details.

Author: josephinejohnson4design

Hi I'm a freelance designer living and working in Norfolk

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